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SES Expert Werner Haag in JLSS Mr. Werner Haag in JLSS Bakery

SES Expert Werner Haag arrived to our school on Monday 8 February 2010. This was his sixth visit to JLSS as a bakery expert from the Senior Expert Services of Germany. The purpose of his visit was to train our staff, improve quality control of our bakery products, and bring in new recipes. We had been waiting for his arrival for years, and we were very glad he was finally able to come. Even before his arrival he helped us overcome one of our difficulties by leading us to an alternative source of flour. The new source provided us with flour mixes at a 20% reduced price from the previous source. He trained our bakery staff and updated their skills. He also revised with them all aspects of bakery production and baking skills in order to improve products and keep them up to the superior standards for natural and healthy breads. He reviewed the bakery setup with regards equipment and building structure and recommended changes to enhance operations. He stayed until March 2 when he went back to Germany. We express our thanks to him for his wonderful expertise and  friendship, and for all the knowledge and skills he regularly brings to our bakery. And we especially thank SES for the wonderful support we receive through many experts who come regularly to our school to help us in various fields.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860