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FiBL's Paul van den Berge in JLSS

JLSS 15 January 2008
During our director's last visit to Switzerland in November 2007 he visited FiBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture) to discuss possible future plans andPaul van den Berge prospects for the JLSS farm. FiBL Senior Consultant, Mr. Paul van den Berge, kindly agreed to visit our school during his next visit to Lebanon to make an assessment on the ground. He fulfilled his promise and visited our school on Tuesday 15 January 2008. He visited our farm and walked around some of our land in spite of the freezing temperatures. During the afternoon meeting JLSS board member, Mr. Richard Aramouni, also attended the meeting of Mr. van den Berge with Rev. George Haddad and Mr. Martin Bernhard. Mr. Aramouni's participation was greatly appreciated as he was able to provide information on farming in Lebanon which he is well informed about. Mr. van den Berge requested additional information regarding the JLSS land and farm which will be sent to him in order to make the final assessment of the situation. The meeting was positive and promising, and we hope the JLSS farm will eventually be restored to its former glory and extreme usefulness to our school. We thank Mr. van den Berge for his very kind visit and wonderful expertise in the field. We also want to thank our Swiss partners, Schweizer Verein für die Schneller Schulen im Nahen Osten, especially Mr. Christoph Schmitter for linking JLSS with FiBL.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860