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Advent Season Started

 Children making Advent WreathsSaturday 1 December 2007 was the day for our boarding homes to prepare for the advent season. Children assisted by their educators spent the afternoon making advent wreaths for every home. A beautiful huge wreath was very artistically made by Mr. Martin Bernhard for the church. The first candle was lit Sunday morning ushering the new advent season with all its excitement and beautiful traditions. The children began decorating their homes and they started preparations for the Adha and Christmas program. Music, drama, handwork, and creativity are especially in season now. The fall of Eed Al-Adha just before Christmas this year makes it a very special time. Our children will celebrate both feasts together providing a wonderful learning experience of tolerance and understanding across religious divides.
Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860